Monday, 10 December 2018

My review of Good Samaritans by Will Carver.
I so loved this book and once started I could not put it down. The characters are very well done, there are 5 main ones, Maeve, Seth, Hadley, Ant, and Dect. Sgt. Pace who's lives become interwoven in a very twisted and shocking way. I really can't say more without giving the plot away.
The points of view change from first person to third person with the occasional author interjection. The author breaks the rules here and it works, it works very well.
The writing style is original, like the plot with short, sharp sentences and paragraphs, for example,
I wait. Breath held. Looking over the girl.
I wait.
Then I scream.
This just adds to the pace and the tension and keeps the story moving breathlessly along.
Every so often, the author breaks up the stark writing with a lovely gem, like this one;
'her jeans held on to the skin of her legs for dear life.'
A very dark and intense book that thoroughly enjoyed. My first from Will Carver but not my last.