Thursday, 15 December 2016

Showing And Telling


How many times have I read this phrase, tried to get to grips with it, thought I understood it, wrote a scene, sat back, realised I understood nothing!

I found this the hardest skill to master, but in order to bring your reader with you, to take them into your world and for them to believe in it, you have to show it to them. I got the principle, the theory but just couldn't put it into practice.

I read many books on this topic. I tried very hard to get this right. I think I'm getting there. My readers tell me that they are transported back in time and that my writing is very sensory. I still find it hard.

The books I would recommend on this subject are;

Marcy of course. It was not until I read her book that it began to make sense to me.

I also recommend;

Point Of View


My first book was written in first person POV. Chosen by luck really since it is written as a memoir.
I didn't have an understanding of POV but I got away with it. You can't go wrong writing as 'I'.

But writing in the first person has its drawbacks. You only ever get one persons POV, obviously. One persons thoughts and feelings. I wanted to introduce more characters and let them all have a chance to express themselves and to do it in different ways. I needed to learn about third person POV.

I discovered that if I was having trouble getting a scene to work and no matter how hard I tried it just wasn't right, then switching to another chacters POV helped. I was writing from the wrong POV.

Getting to grips with POV was essential before I wote anymore. The books I turned to were;

I love all of Marcy's books and this one is no exception. Excellent.

Saturday, 19 November 2016


I often wander around the bookstores and read the backcover blurb on books. I'm amazed at the story lines, they all hook me, I want to read them all. Just how do these authors come up with these stories?
Is there a formula? If so where can I find it.

Story Ideas

I write historical romance but I like to think my books are not just about the romance, they contain a wealth of historical information too.
To make my books accurate for the period, I trawl through old newspapers for ideas.
I read the West Briton and Cornish Gazette from the early 1800's. Full of stories I could use and adapt in my book. Also great fun to read and immerse myself in what was important at that time.
I think this will always be a starting point for me. A look into the past.

Friday, 11 November 2016

The Plot

When I wrote my first book I had no writing skills, just wrote from the heart. The novel was written for my Mum and she loved it.

So I decided to write another, fiction not a true story.

This time I wanted to learn the ropes and improve my writing. I went down the self-help route.

First stop, how to structure a novel. The books below helped me plan my novel.

I read and loved the following books;

Structure Your Novel by K.M Weiland and Super Structure by James Scott Bell

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


I wrote my first novel for my Mum. 'Proof Of Existence' is the true story about her great grandfather and follows his life until the day he died.
My Mum knew nothing about this man so I wanted to give her as much information as possible about him and how he lived.
I wrote it without having ever written anything before and whilst I am proud of it and my Mum absolutely loved it, I knew I could do better.
I wanted to write another novel. And so my journey began.